Curriculum Map
A curriculum map helps faculty, students, academic advisors, and others to visualize and comprehend how course-level outcomes align with and support program-level outcomes. This curriculum mapping tool provides basic and enhanced formats, instructions, and sample undergraduate and graduate maps.
CONTACT US for support from an Eberly colleague to help you design an individualized approach to curriculum mapping according to the needs and resources of your college, program, or groups of faculty.
Rubrics are scoring tools that explicitly represent student performance expectations for an assignment or artistic work. When provided to students, rubrics can help them monitor and assess their progress and work toward faculty performance expectations.
Rubrics help faculty and TA grading to be more efficient and consistent, and when used at strategic points in a curriculum, help program faculty to assess the degree to which students are achieving program outcomes.
For more on rubrics, including examples, please visit Eberly’s rubrics page.
CONTACT US for support from an Eberly colleague to help you design an individualized rubric, test inter-rater reliability, and/or use a rubric for program-level assessment.
Mastery Grid
A mastery grid is an explicit representation of how expertise develops in a field. It identifies the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and approaches that characterize expert practice, as well as the levels students move through as they gain mastery. Developing a mastery grid can help you determine appropriate goals for your department (the "desired state"); assess whether the curriculum adequately supports these outcomes; and measure students’ progress against these outcomes. More on Mastery Grid...