Carnegie Mellon University
Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Photo of Martin van Velsen  

Martin van Velsen

 Senior Systems Software Engineer

Contact Martin

Martin is a senior software developer at Carnegie Mellon’s Eberly Center, where he is responsible for integrating educational technologies into online learning platforms. 

He has worked on research projects of a wildly varied nature, some which are: neurosurgery simulations, large scale artificial intelligence architectures, virtual humans and cognitive training simulations. Martin serves as technical adviser to many leading specialists in the field of serious games, simulations, and digital entertainment. Martin has been a speaker and panel host for various entertainment technology gatherings. Most recently he took part as a panelist at the PAX East gaming convention, but he has also organized such scientific forums as a panel on Authoring Interactive Narrative at the Stanford Spring Symposium. Over the last 18 years Martin has been responsible for shepherding open-ended research projects towards viable products that can be deployed by such organizations as DARPA, Army Research Labs (ARL), Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Finally Martin is an award winning artist, published fiction author, engineer, and a researcher in the field of interactive narrative.