Level 3: Curriculum Map
The program has a curriculum map (in matrix format) of course learning objectives to program learning outcomes.
For faculty, the process of curriculum mapping facilitates understanding of how courses are sequenced and “fit” together, and shifts the focus from “my course” to “our degree program.” Mapping also supports curriculum revision, as the activity often reveals curricular strengths, gaps, necessary and unnecessary overlaps, and needs (e.g., Do students have enough practice to achieve an outcome?).
For students, curriculum maps facilitate understanding of how (1) each course is intended to contribute to specific knowledge or skills of the program; (2) elective courses could be strategically selected to further strengthen knowledge or skills or to explore new areas of interest; and (3) work products could be selected for inclusion in portfolios or résumés.
For academic advisors, curriculum maps help to (1) focus discussions on students’ academic and professional goals and identify intersections of those goals with the curriculum; (2) identify opportunities for additional majors or minors that can be achieved without undue overload; and (3) determine where and how transfer credit might support students’ and curricular goals.
For deans, department or program heads, curriculum maps may (1) inform resource allocation (fiscal, human, technological, space); (2) identify potential growth or specialization areas; and (3) support Presidential Advisory Board, discipline-specific accreditation, or other reporting.
A blank mapping tool, sample maps, and instructions (xls) to complete the tool are available.
CONTACT US to get support from an Eberly colleague to facilitate your curriculum mapping process.